Paul said to count it all joy when you fall into divers temptation.  Though the enemy is attacking you from all sides, the battle is not yours says the Lord.  Yahweh has already defeated your enemy and my enemy.  When the spiritual assaults start flying and your head seems to ache, your body becomes weary and your soul becomes low, you must remember to stay courageous in the fight.  Yahweh is fighting on your behalf.  You must pray, ask God to forgive you of any sins, relax, and take one step at a time.  Yahweh will never leave you nor forsake you.

You may choose to meditate on these words: Peace be still and know that I am God.  I found that these words carried me through many difficult storms.  What causes people to drown in a storm is when they panic.  You must calm yourself in the storms of life so you do not panic.  These words will calm your spirit and physical body so you can walk through the storms of life.

Jessie Eastland–transferred from en.wikipedia

Remember, you must not forget to take your burdens to the Lord for He cares for you and me.  When you pray, recognize that Yahweh hears you and He will answer your prayers.  You must wait on the Lord and be of good courage.  Do not waver in your faith in Yahweh.  Though the challenges seem to come from every angle, yet you will rise above the storms and challenges.  Though you feel tired, sick and your head hurts, you must stay strong knowing that Yahweh will see you through this next challenge.

I’ve had many of headaches and challenges, but my God has never let me down.  He will not let you down either.  You must repent of all your sins and ask God to help you overcome all sins in your life.  Rest assured God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you and I may ask or think!

I pray that you pray for yourself like I pray for you.  I pray for you that you will be strong in the Lord and be able to withstand all the fiery darts of the enemy.


Dear Yahweh, you are a faithful and just God.  I pray that you bind up the evil spirits in the lives of those who read my words.  I rebuke the evil spirits in the lives of those who read these words.  I rebuke every evil and demonic spirit that comes against your child and children, and I cast those evil spirits as far as the east is from the west away from them.  I ask that you give your child wisdom on a foundation of righteousness.  Please help them to learn to love as you love.  Help them to submit their lives one hundred percent over unto you dear Lord.  May they possess a peace that surpasses all understanding.  May your Holy Spirit indwell them, empower them from within, lead them and direct their lives.

When others see them, let them see you.   When others hear them, let others hear you.  Bless the work of the their hands, bless their minds and help them to not only see the purpose you have placed them on this earth for, but I pray that you would make their souls fulfill their purpose.

Thank you Father for the air that I breathe, the fresh water that I drink, the pure foods you provide and the life giving energy that comes from you.

Satan your are a defeated foe!  Your days are numbered and your time is quickly coming to an end!  Satan you have no authority or power in the lives of God’s children! I cast you out today and all your demonic forces.  I demand that you get out and stay out of the lives of God’s people.  Dear Lord I ask that you help your children to walk Holy before you all the days of their lives and that they meditate on your Ten Commandments, reject sin, repent and walk Holy before you through the power of your Holy Spirit.  I ask all these things in Jesus Yeshua’s precious name! Amen! May the peace of Yahweh go before you, behind you and within you wherever you may go.

We are looking forward to seeing our Lord and being in the coming kingdom with Yahweh.  I pray that those who read these words and I be found worthy to enter into the kingdom.  Dear Lord help us through your Holy Spirit to be found worthing in Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name I pray.

Beloved, may the peace of God be with you today and forever more!  Peace be still and know that He is God!  May your kingdom come and your will (Ten Commandments) be done on earth as it is done in heaven! Amen!

Satan you are a defeated foe–get behind me!  Man shall not live by bread alone, but man and woman shall live by every word that procedeth out of the mouth of Yahweh: Ten Commandments spoken down the mountain by Yahweh and written on tablets of stone (representing their permanency) by the very finder of Yahweh!  What a special event this was when Yahweh spoke the Ten Commandments to the people!


Death reigned and Satan reigned until Yahweh spoke these Ten Commandments.  Beloved I pray Satan strikes out and that you are set free from the chain and power of sin that has truly wreaked havoc in your life via a sincere prayer to yahweh right now on your knees!
